Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get the message!

How many times have you felt that God has given you an idea or insight, but you were fearful of the outcome? I must share this with I continue to reflect on it myself.

I guess this word is more for me...just wanted to share with you to read when you have time....

I ask this because I often feel like God is trying to show me things...and you name it, I do it:

  • I am doubtful of the outcome.

  • I question if the insight is really from God.

  • I debate over what I'll do if 'it' doesn't work.

  • I am fearful that I will look crazy and that it just won't work.

*sigh* each one of the things that I "do" above, I don't technically "do" ANYthing...I think....and as the word says, as a man thinks, so is he (prov. 23:7).

So somehow (wink, wink) I ran across a passage about Deborah and Barak. I say somehow, but I am believing that it was God. Lately, our 9yr old has been challenged with doubtful teachers that think he is incapable of doing his best without medication. I believe a testimony about this is sure to come, so stay tuned...
We have a book that Nat purchased a while back with children's biblical stories. We bought it for two reasons...1 so that the kids could learn more about the bible and 2 so that I could learn more about the bible. To be frank, sometimes I get lost in the thee's and thou's and cities and names, so I thought a simplified version would help a sistah out!

So, to help our oldest with his reading we've been reading these stories aloud and reviewing for comprehension. Anyway, last night, we ran across a story of Deborah and Barak. We read that because my mother's name is that MUST mean there's a great story behind her name, right? Anyway, fast forward to the story. The Israelites had been oppressed for many years and Deborah, a prophetess also known as an advisor because she 'heard' from the Lord, was given the insight by God that the Israelites could be freed by Barak's army. Barak, knowing what they were up against, didn't believe her and asked that she accompany him.

I can imagine that he thought the same things.

  • Did God really say this?

  • What if He changes his mind when we get out there?

  • What if this insight doesn't work and several of my forces die? Then our people will think I'm crazy...

In other words, despite the opportunity given by God to be the one who led his people to freedom, Barak was afraid.

Deborah agreed, reminding him that at the end of the won battle that he would not receive the credit for the win, but that a woman would, 'because He didn't trust God, the honor would not be his and God will deliver Sisera to the hands of a woman'. The Canaanites (their oppressors) should have won the battle easily. They didn't. They fought in the midst of a crazy rain season and the chariots were bogged in the mud. In spite of their strong forces and artillery, the Canaanites lost the battle. They're leader, Sisera was ultimately slaughtered by a tribeswoman, Jael. After this, the Israelites had peace for many years, with Jael receiving the credit.

Parallel this to today.
Some may think...well, at least they were delivered from bondage to freedom! Point taken.

I am challenged to believe though that Barak may have experienced greater graces if he believed in God's favor. So, as I think on this some more, I thought I'd offer this prayer to you that I've prayed over myself and my family. Feel free to mooch...His word is His word and it can apply to EVERY situation. :)

Lord, I am asking for a renewed sense of faith over the things you've graced me with insight over.
Your word says that the hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labor. Lord I ask for continued strength to be diligent. I ask that you let Nat and me be examples of diligence, that our children will see that our works pay off. Let our children see first hand that diligence produces great results. Let them see in us that you are the redeemer for us and that you will help us make up for lost time. Remind us to speak positivity over every situation so that we will not curse our calamity but use it as the strength to overcome. Remind us to be consistent in the midst of our challenges, knowing that you're creating opportunities for us that make room for our gifts, so that or work will not feel like labor! Lord your word also says that if I ask for wisdom you will provide it abundantly. I ask you for insight and wisdom in the name of Jesus. I praise you and thank you in advance for the wisdom that you're giving us and I thank you for the faith to believe that it is from you! I thank you that I have the patience to wait through seasons in my life that may make me feel like I'm oppressed, knowing that you're sending angels my way to offer solace and direction. Thank you for the Deborah's in our lives, for they enlighten us with what we need to overcome! I am reminded that I am an example for my children and that what I do, they see. Lord continue to allow me to be a light, that they will see how they need to respond to their challenges so that they can learn the wisdom needed to overcome their obstacles as well. Thank you for the messages in your word. Remind me to seek you diligently that I may continue to grow in you and GET THE MESSAGE. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

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